Welcome to your Shirtee-Wiki

On this platform you can find all the essential information, tips and tricks you need to make your campaign successful.

Hallo und herzlichen Willkommen in unserem wiki.shirtee. Ihr seid auf dem besten Weg erfolgreiche Designer zu werden, eure eigene Designkampagne ans Laufen zu bringen und so richtig durchzustarten. Mit diesem wiki.shirtee möchten wir Euch dabei helfen, Eure Shirtee-Kampagne bestmöglich zu gestalten und zu vermarkten. Um Eurer Kampagne zu größt möglichem Erfolg zu verhelfen, wollen wir euch in einigen grundlegenden Dingen schulen und euch mit nützliche Informationen, Tipps & Tricks versorgen.




Selecting potential customers

Here you can find out which specific criteria you need to consider when selecting your customers. You will also receive important tips and tricks on how to determine your target group and how to identify a market gap (niche).

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Product design

Learn, how to create a product that meets your expectations. We will show you, how to place a text and/or image on the textile of your choice.

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Campaign configuration

Not only a good design, but also other aspects, such as sales goals and prices, are important on the road to success. Find out what you need to consider when setting your sales goal, the price of your product and how you can add more products to your campaign.

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Promotion & Marketing

Here you can get more information on everything you need to know about marketing. Find out, how to successfully promote your campaign and receive an insight into Facebook advertisement.

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No costs. No risk. Total success.

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